Our motto - “Ars gratia artis”

“We empower emerging talents and those that want to break free from the majors allowing them to unleash the art they've always envisioned from the very beginning”

Artists of ReallyNiceRecords

What sets us apart from the major labels

What sets us apart from the major labels?

The Major Labels Really Nice Records
Artists' earnings: 10-20% Artists' earnings: 67%
360 Deals, meaning: the label takes a percentage of nearly all revenue sources. Our cut only applies to earnings that you made with us
Long Contract Terms with Options As long as everything is paid off, you can always cancel three months in advance.
Touring on the schedule of the label Touring on the schedule of the artist
Rights often belong to the label for years after the contract expired We only retain the Master-, and Syncronization-Rights for the duration of the contract and no other rights
A lot of marketing spendings, but it's paid entirely from the artists' share Marketing campaings paid from the labels' share